Monday, May 1, 2017

Recap of Crazy Legs Classic

Well I have to say it was a great Crazy Legs Classic 8k race.  Coming in to this race I wanted at least better than last year.  This year I was running in the A wave when the previous year I was racing in the B wave.  That time I was in sort of decent shape but this year I knew I was capable running in the A wave and able to run a fast time.  Well the race started off fast when I was going 5:20 first mile, I knew we were cooking it from the start.  As the race was progressing was started to slow down a bit but able to stay in pace.  At around 3rd mile was at around 16:30 or so I knew I have a good chance of racing a good time.  The last few miles was tough but was able to hang on.  When I got to Camp Randall to the finish I saw the time and I was really thrilled.  My final time was 27:43, average pace was 5:35, not bad of a 8k road race time with the mileage I've done so far this year and the difference of my strength & conditioning.  I feel now as I train for my upcoming full marathon I have the confidence and capability to run a great time & go after my dream: Boston 2018- making this dream into a reality.  Going after Greatness.   

 (Photo Credit Crazy Legs Classic)
                    (Photo Credit: Crazy Legs Classic)

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Long Long Overdue Blog Post

Been a very long time since I have written my last blog.  Well here's my full recap.  Last year 2016, my training was one of the best I ever had.  My main focus during the whole training process is the building of pacing plus working on my strength and conditioning.  During my long runs I mainly worked on getting out in good pace and continue to build that as the run goes on. Then as I get near the end of my long run I go faster and faster, it helped me tremendously.  I did Crazy legs last Spring basically as a workout but still went out as a competitor, ran upper 29's in the 8k.  I new I had some more speed work to do.  In late August, I went for a 17 mile around Verona and man my legs were feeling soo tired after I was done.  I enjoyed the run because I know I can handle these kind of runs especially training for a Full Marathon.  My goal was to run the Full Marathon but had a minor setback with my sister getting married and plus being busy with work.  I decided to do a Half Marathon in Madison this past fall.  Coming in to this race, my plan was to get under 80.  If I did that I would be very happy.  As the race progressed I was right in to the top 10 early from the start.  I was thinking man this could be the day I will be able to hit a PR.  In the middle of the race I was feeling it but I still hang tough and kept grinding.  When I got to the last few miles I kept fighting and pushing then as I saw heading up by the Capitol Square seeing the clock & I thought wow I have a chance to hit a massive PR. I sprinted as hard as I can and after I crossed the finished line I was soo thrilled that I PR'd.  I ended up 7th overall with a time of 1:16.16.  It was the best half-marathon I have ever ran in my running career plus this was my third half-marathon.  After taking time off from half-marathon, slowly back into training and ran at UW-Platteville for 3k at Alumni, basically ran the same time I did back in college, shows I'm in decent shape.  Right now I'm getting ready for Crazy legs this Saturday & plan is sometime later this summer or early fall do a Full-Marathon.  The goal is making Boston 2018.