Monday, June 24, 2013

Rough time/Progress Part 2

When I went back to my hometown- Verona for Spring Break, I started to get some decent running in.  Only doing 30-35 minutes during that time, mainly easy.  Still stinks that I couldn't do any hard runs still, but happy that I can increase my minutes.  When the end of Spring semester is almost over, around April, I was doing between 35-45 minutes, getting comfortable with the running.  Before I left for the semester, talked to Antman, he gave me some good advice on my summer training, he said basically to work on my core- power core and get good quality mileage in.  When I came home after semester is over- last month, started doing runs that I haven't done in a while, doing some tempo, fartlek, cruise/aerobic and hill runs.  I definitely miss those runs, it's definitely helping me getting my speed back and my confidence.  A few weeks ago, had my physical and got my iron blood test, the results came out great and now I only have to take my iron once a day.  Lately, for minutes- now doing between 50-70 minutes.  It's great doing longer runs and my pacing for those runs are going very well. Doing my core as well and starting to feel more stronger- weights/med ball. After all of those hard times of not being able to do any good quality running in the last 5-6 months, it's finally starting to pay off so far this summer.  Looking forward to continue my progress this summer and hoping it will turn out to be a great upcoming fall 2013 XC season.          

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Rough Time/Progress

It all started way back in November 2012 during my Thanksgiving break.  I was doing a 10k at the Berbee Derby in Madison, WI.  I was feeling alright in the first half of the race and then all of a sudden I'm starting to not feel right.  My legs and my body were about to give up on me, almost dropping out of the race.  My mind told me to keep going and finish the race.  The time I raced was my worst, it was 45 something, usually I run low 35's in this race.  After I finished the race, I realized I need to get myself checked out.  So I went back to school- UW-Platteville, visited the doctor and told him what was wrong with me, told him my running and racing have gotten worse and worse. So he suggested to do an iron blood test.  After the results came in, he told me I have runner's anemia, which is iron deficiency.  So he suggested that I take iron pills three times a day to start out.  Then said to start eating more red meat and veggies like a salad, leafy greens.  The doctor suggested that I should take a month off from running.  So I agreed with him, took a whole month off no running.  But once winter break started, started doing around 20-25 minutes for the first few months.  It was good to get back into my running and getting back into shape.  The sad part I wasn't able to do indoor and outdoor track.  But during the early winter months- January through February, I was feeling the running is starting to come back.  My iron blood tests are making huge improvements as well.  Took one in March before spring break, he was pleased with the results.  He said I can increase my minutes, but don't go too high on minutes.  So I took the advice, when I started started doing 30-35 minute runs, it was feeling good.