Monday, June 24, 2013

Rough time/Progress Part 2

When I went back to my hometown- Verona for Spring Break, I started to get some decent running in.  Only doing 30-35 minutes during that time, mainly easy.  Still stinks that I couldn't do any hard runs still, but happy that I can increase my minutes.  When the end of Spring semester is almost over, around April, I was doing between 35-45 minutes, getting comfortable with the running.  Before I left for the semester, talked to Antman, he gave me some good advice on my summer training, he said basically to work on my core- power core and get good quality mileage in.  When I came home after semester is over- last month, started doing runs that I haven't done in a while, doing some tempo, fartlek, cruise/aerobic and hill runs.  I definitely miss those runs, it's definitely helping me getting my speed back and my confidence.  A few weeks ago, had my physical and got my iron blood test, the results came out great and now I only have to take my iron once a day.  Lately, for minutes- now doing between 50-70 minutes.  It's great doing longer runs and my pacing for those runs are going very well. Doing my core as well and starting to feel more stronger- weights/med ball. After all of those hard times of not being able to do any good quality running in the last 5-6 months, it's finally starting to pay off so far this summer.  Looking forward to continue my progress this summer and hoping it will turn out to be a great upcoming fall 2013 XC season.          

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