Wednesday, April 2, 2014

2014 Outdoor Season

Well finished my last indoor season around the end of February, was a little disappointed in my last 5k, but didn't stop me when I started preparing for my last outdoor season.  My last indoor season ended very well, hit some good PR's & was able to carry it over to Outdoor.  We had our first outdoor meet this past weekend at Wash U, love running their.  They have a lot of heats for running events, it was a very fun meet.  Ran the 5k, I felt great, PR'd with a 16:32.34, wanted to break 16:30, but I believe I can do a lot better.  Hitting some very high goals for outdoor: both the 5k & 10k.  This is my last hoorah for my track career, let's end it on a very good/positive note.  I believe as a team, we should do very well, we have high goals & expectations, I think we should have a great outdoor season, let's get it done.  

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